const {
} = require('../errors/')
const {
} = require('../modules/')
const {
} = require('../structures/')
* The main controlling agent of the bot
class Agent {
* Create an Agent
* @class
* @param {Object} data The agent data
* @prop {Eris} data.Eris The Eris class the system runs off of
* @prop {String} data.token The token to log in to the Discord API with
* @prop {Object} [data.handlerData={}] The commands and replacers the bot will respond to as well as options for their handlers
* @prop {Command[]|Command} [data.handlerData.commands] The commands for the bot
* @prop {ReactCommand[]|ReactCommand} [data.handlerData.reactCommands] The commands that trigger on reactions
* @prop {Replacer[]|Replacer} [data.handlerData.replacers] The replacers for the bot
* @prop {Object} [data.handlerData.options={}] Options for the event handlers
* @prop {String} [data.handlerData.options.prefix='!'] The prefix to execute commands
* @prop {Object} [data.handlerData.options.replacerBraces] The braces that invoke a replacer
* @prop {String} ['|'] The opening brace
* @prop {String} [data.handlerData.options.replacerBraces.close] The closing brace
* @prop {Number} [data.handlerData.options.maxInterfaces=1500] The maximum amount of reaction interfaces cached before they start getting deleted
* @prop {Object} [data.options={}] Options for the agent
* @prop {String[]} [data.options.intents=[]] {@link} Additional intents to subscribe to for the gateway. (Intents are automatically calculated from agent features getting enabled. However, add additional intents if needed) (Eris supports snakeCase if CAMEL_CASE is not preferred)
* @prop {GuildData|Promise<GuildData>} [data.options.guildOptions={}] Options for specific guilds (Usually initially loaded from a database)
* @prop {Object|StatusMessageFunction} [data.options.statusMessage] The status for the bot. It can be an object containing the data, or a callback function for each shard. By default, it's the bot's prefix
* @prop {Boolean} [data.options.fireOnEdit=false] Whether the command handler is called when a command is edited or not
* @prop {Boolean} [data.options.fireOnReactionRemove=false] Whether the reaction handler is triggered on the removal of reactions as well
* @prop {Object} [data.options.postEventFunctions={}] A collection of functions to run after an event is triggered
* @prop {PostMessageFunction} [data.options.postEventFunctions.message] A function that runs after every message whether it triggers a command or not
* @prop {PostReactionFunction} [data.options.postEventFunctions.reaction] A function that runs after every reaction whether it triggers a react command or not
* @prop {PostPermissionFunction} [data.options.postEventFunctions.permission] A function that runs after a permission is changed
* @prop {PostPrefixFunction} [data.options.postEventFunctions.prefix] A function that runs after a guild prefix is changed
* @prop {Object} [data.options.erisOptions={}] A passthrough for additional Eris options. (Does not override intents, supply additional intents to `options.intents`)
constructor ({ Eris, token, handlerData = {}, options = {} }) {
const {
options: {
prefix = '!',
} = {}
} = handlerData
const {
intents = [],
guildOptions = {},
fireOnEdit = false,
fireOnReactionRemove = false,
postEventFunctions: {
message: messageEvent,
reaction: reactionEvent,
permission: permissionEvent,
prefix: prefixEvent
} = {},
erisOptions = {}
} = options
const baseIntents = [
if (reactCommands) baseIntents.push('guildMessageReactions', 'directMessageReactions')
* URLs to assets used internally
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @prop {String} help The help icon
this._assetURLs = {
help: ''
* Descriptions for argument types
* @private
* @type {Object}
this._argTypeDescs = {
string: 'Regular text',
number: 'An integer or decimal',
user: 'A user mention or part of a username',
channel: 'A channel mention or part of a channel name'
* The Eris class
* @private
* @type {Class}
this._Eris = Eris
* The Eris client
* @type {Eris.Client}
this.client = new Eris(this._prefixToken(token), {
intents: baseIntents.concat(intents)
* The commands and replacers the bot will respond to as well as options for their handlers
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @prop {Command[]} commands The commands for the command handler
* @prop {ReactCommand[]} reactCommands The commands that trigger on reactions
* @prop {Replacer[]} replacers The replacers for the command handler
* @prop {Object} options The options for the handlers
* @prop {String} options.prefix The prefix to execute commands
* @prop {Object} options.replacerBraces The braces that invoke a replacer
* @prop {String} The opening brace
* @prop {String} options.replacerBraces.close The closing brace
* @prop {Number} options.maxInterfaces The maximum amount of interfaces cached before they start getting deleted
this._handlerData = {
commands: this._toArray(commands),
reactCommands: this._toArray(reactCommands),
replacers: this._toArray(replacers),
options: {
* The options for the agent
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @prop {Object|StatusMessageFunction} statusMessage The status for the bot. It can be an object containing the data, or a callback function for each shard. By default, it's the bot's prefix
* @prop {Boolean} fireOnEdit Whether the command handler is called when a command is edited or not
* @prop {Boolean} fireOnReactionRemove Whether the reaction handler triggers on the removal of reactions
* @prop {Object} postEventFunctions A collection of functions to run after an event is triggered.
* @prop {PostMessageFunction} postEventFunctions.message A function that runs after every message whether it triggers a command or not
* @prop {PostReactionFunction} postEventFunctions.reaction A function that runs after every reaction whether it triggers a react command or not
* @prop {PostPermissionFunction} postEventFunctions.permission A function that runs after a permission is changed
* @prop {PostPrefixFunction} postEventFunctions.prefix A function that runs after a guild prefix is changed
this._options = {
postEventFunctions: {
message: messageEvent,
reaction: reactionEvent,
permission: permissionEvent,
prefix: prefixEvent
* Guild specific data
* @private
* @type {GuildData}
this._guildData = guildOptions instanceof Promise ? {} : guildOptions
if (guildOptions instanceof Promise) this._awaitGuildOptions(guildOptions)
* User-supplied data that is passed to commands
* @type {Object}
this.attachments = {}
* A cache for the `buildHelp` method
* @private
* @type {String[]}
this._helpCache = []
* Middleware to run during command processing
* @private
* @type {Middleware[]}
this._middleware = [
* Add an attachment that is passed to commands
* @param {String} name The name of the attachment
* @param {*} value The value of the attachment
* @returns {Object} All added attachments
attach (name, value) {
if (this.attachments[name]) throw Error('An attachment with that name is already added')
this.attachments[name] = value
return this.attachments
* Wait for guild options to be asynchronous supplied
* @private
* @async
* @param {Promise<GuildData>} guildOptions The promise returning the data
async _awaitGuildOptions (guildOptions) {
const options = await guildOptions
this._guildData = options
* Bind actions to base events
* @private
_bindBaseEvents () {
this.client.on('error', this._onError.bind(this))
this.client.on('shardReady', this._onShardReady.bind(this))
this.client.on('shardDisconnect', this._onShardDisconnect.bind(this))
* Bind actions to events that require handlers
* @private
_bindHandlerEvents () {
if (this._handlerData.commands) {
this.client.on('messageCreate', this._onMessage.bind(this))
if (this._options.fireOnEdit) this.client.on('messageUpdate', this._onMessage.bind(this))
if (this._handlerData.reactCommands) {
this.client.on('messageReactionAdd', this._onReaction.bind(this))
if (this._options.fireOnReactionRemove) this.client.on('messageReactionRemove', this._onReaction.bind(this))
* Build a guide embed for a specific command (Does not work for replacers or react commands)
* @generator
* @param {String} name The name of the command
* @yields {Object} The guide embed
buildCommandGuide (name) {
const command = this._handlerData.commands.find((c) => === name.toLowerCase() || c.options.aliases.includes(name.toLowerCase()))
if (!command) throw Error(`Could not find a command named \`${name}\``)
const accessMsg = command.options.restricted
? 'This command is restricted to the bot owner only'
: command.options.authLevel
? `*This command requires an authority level of ${command.options.authLevel}*`
: 'This command is available to everyone'
const fields = [{
name: accessMsg,
value: `__${' '.repeat(accessMsg.length)}\u200b__` // Divider
if (command.options.args.length) {
const args = command.options.args
.reduce((acc, arg) => `${acc}${acc ? '\n' : ''}**${}** {${arg.mand ? 'Mandatory' : 'Optional'}} - *${this._argTypeDescs[arg.type]}*`, '')
name: 'Arguments',
value: args
return {
author: {
name: 'Command Guide',
title: command.options.aliases.reduce((acc, alias) => `${acc}/${alias}`,,
description: `*${command.desc}*`,
fields: fields.concat(
* Build a help menu and compile command info (Does not update with commands added after the agent has been constructed)
* @generator
* @param {Object} [data] The data for the menu
* @prop {String} [data.desc] The description of the bot
* @prop {String} [data.serverCode] The invite code to the bot's server (Note: This is the code, not the link)
* @prop {Number} [data.color=33023] An integer color that changes the sidebar color of the embed
* @prop {String} [data.footerImage] A link leading to an image for the footer (An image of the prefix recommended)
* @prop {String} [data.version] The version of the bot
* @param {Number} [page=1] The page of the help menu to load
* @yields {BuildHelpReturnObject} An object containing help menu data
buildHelp (data, page = 1) {
if (data && ! throw Error('Could not get OAuth app info. Please start the bot with `Agent.connect()`')
let embed
let reactInterface
let pages = []
if (this._helpCache.length) pages = [...this._helpCache]
else {
if (this._handlerData.commands) pages.push(...this._compileInfo(this._handlerData.commands))
if (this._handlerData.replacers) pages.push(...this._compileInfo(this._handlerData.replacers, '**Replacers:**\n*Inserts live data values into commands. `|REPLACERNAME|`*'))
if (this._handlerData.reactCommands) pages.push(...this._compileInfo(this._handlerData.reactCommands, '**React Commands:**\n*React to any message with the appropriate reaction to trigger its command.*'))
this._helpCache = [
if (data) {
const {
color = 33023, // Cyclone blue
} = data
page = parseInt(page) || page
if (page > pages.length) page = pages.length
if (page < 1) page = 1
embed = {
author: {
name: `${this.client.user.username} ${version ? `v${version} ` : ''}Help`,
title: `${serverCode ? '*[Click for support]* ' : ''}Made by ${}`,
url: serverCode ? '' + serverCode : undefined,
description: desc,
thumbnail: {
url: this.client.user.dynamicAvatarURL('png')
fields: [
name: `Commands page ${page} out of ${pages.length}`,
value: pages[page - 1]
footer: {
icon_url: footerImage,
text: `Prefix: "${this._handlerData.options.prefix}" or mention | <> = Mandatory () = Optional | # = Number / @ = User / [#] = Channel`
if (pages.length > 1) {
reactInterface = new ReactInterface({
buttons: [
new ReactCommand({
emoji: '\u21A9', // Left arrow
action: ({ msg }) => {
if (page > 1) page--
embed: {
fields: [
name: `Commands page ${page} out of ${pages.length}`,
value: pages[page - 1]
new ReactCommand({
emoji: '\u21AA', // Right arrow
action: ({ msg }) => {
if (page < pages.length) page++
embed: {
fields: [
name: `Commands page ${page} out of ${pages.length}`,
value: pages[page - 1]
return {
options: {
* Check if a user has the sufficient permissions to use a command
* @private
* @param {Eris.Message} msg The message
* @param {Eris.Member} member The subject member of the guild
* @param {Command|ReactCommand} command The command
* @throws {InputError}
_checkPermissions (msg, member, command) {
if (! && command.options.authLevel) {
const level = this.getTopPermissionLevel(member)
if (level < command.options.authLevel) throw new InputError('This command required a minimum level of ' + command.options.authLevel, 'Your top level is ' + level, 'nopermission')
* Compile command info into a list
* @private
* @param {Command[]|Command|Replacer[]|Replacer|ReactCommand[]|ReactCommand} items The items to compile
* @param {String} [header] The header of the content
* @returns {String[]} The resulting info pages
_compileInfo (items, header) {
header = header ? `${header}\n` : ''
const content = items.reduce((info, command) => {
if (command.options.restricted) return info
const content =
const index = info.length - 1
const newline = info[index].length ? '\n' : ''
if ((info[index] + newline + content).length > 1024) info.push(content)
else info[index] += newline + content
return info
}, [header])
if (content[0] === header) return []
else return content
* Compile Knex-like guild data format to the Agent's native format
* @param {Object[]} dbData The data from the database
* @prop {String} The ID of the guild
* @prop {PermissionList} [dbData.permissions={}] The authority level of the roles of the guild
* @prop {String} [dbData.prefix] The custom server-side prefix
* @returns {GuildData} A formatted guild data object
compileGuildSQL (dbData) {
if (!Array.isArray(dbData)) throw TypeError('Supplied database data is not an array')
const compiled = {}
for (const guild of dbData) {
compiled[] = {
permissions: guild.permissions || {},
prefix: guild.prefix
return compiled
* Connect to the Discord API and initiate event handlers.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
connect () {
return this.client.connect()
.then(() => this._getApp())
.then(() => this._initHandlers())
.then(() => this._bindHandlerEvents())
* Remove an attachment
* @param {String} name The name of the attachment to remove
* @returns {*} The value of the removed attachment
detach (name) {
const attachment = this.attachments[name]
delete this.attachments[name]
return attachment
* Format data by turning existing single supply into arrays if necessary
* @private
* @param {*|Array<*>} data The data
* @returns {Array<*>} The formatted data
_toArray (data) {
if (data !== undefined && data !== null) return Array.isArray(data) ? data : [data]
* Format guild data for command handler prefixes
* @private
* @param {GuilData} data The data
* @returns {Object} Returns an object where guild IDs are mapped to prefixes
_formatPrefixesForHandler (data) {
const formatted = {}
for (const guild in data) formatted[guild] = data[guild].prefix
return formatted
* Get the bot's app data and store it in ``
* @private
* @returns {Promise<Object>} The app data
_getApp () {
return this.client.getOAuthApplication()
.then((app) => {
* The Discord app of the bot
* @type {Object}
*/ = app
return app
* Get a guild member's top authority level role
* @param {Eris.Member} user The member of the guild. (Do not provide an Eris User instance, it must be a Member)
* @returns {Number} The leading authority level
getTopPermissionLevel (user) {
if (!(user instanceof this._Eris.Member)) throw Error('Provided user is not a Member instance. (Did you provide a User instance instead?)')
if (user.guild.ownerID === return Infinity
return user.roles.reduce((a, r) => (this._guildData[] && this._guildData[].permissions && this._guildData[].permissions[r] > a) ? this._guildData[].permissions[r] : a, 0)
* Send or log an error message if it's not an IgnoredError instance
* @private
* @param {Error} err The error
* @param {Eris.Message} msg The original message from Discord
* @returns {Promise<Message|void>}
async _handleError (err, msg) {
if (err instanceof IgnoredError) return
return`ERR:\n\`\`\`\n${err.message}\`\`\`${err.stack ? `\n\`\`\`\n${err.stack}\`\`\`` : ''}`)
.catch(() => {
return`ERROR, SEND TO A BOT ADMIN: \`${}\``)
.catch((err) => console.error('Error in error handler: ', err))
* Initiate the event handlers
* @private
_initHandlers () {
if (this._handlerData.commands) {
console.log('Initializing Command Handler')
* The command handler for the bot
* @type {CommandHandler}
this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler({
agent: this,
client: this.client,
commands: this._handlerData.commands,
replacers: this._handlerData.replacers,
options: {
prefix: this._handlerData.options.prefix,
replacerBraces: this._handlerData.options.replacerBraces,
guildPrefixes: this._formatPrefixesForHandler(this._guildData),
if (this._handlerData.reactCommands) {
console.log('Initializing Reaction Handler')
* The reaction handler for the bot
* @type {ReactionHandler}
this.reactionHandler = new ReactionHandler({
agent: this,
client: this.client,
reactCommands: this._handlerData.reactCommands,
options: {
maxInterfaces: this._handlerData.options.maxInterfaces,
* Get the last message sent by the bot in a given channel
* @param {Eris.Channel} channel The ID of the channel to pick your last message from
* @returns {Eris.Message} The last message
lastMessage (channel) {
const {
} = channel
const filtered = messages.filter((m) => ===
return filtered[filtered.length - 1]
* What to do when an unknown error occurs
* @private
* @param {Error} error The error
_onError (error) {
console.error('An error has occured:', error)
* What to do when a message is recived
* @private
* @async
* @param {Eris.Message} msg The recieved message
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _onMessage (msg) {
if ( return
return this.commandHandler.handle(msg)
.then((res) => {
if (this._options.postEventFunctions.message) this._options.postEventFunctions.message(msg, res)
return res
.catch((err) => this._handleError(err, msg))
* What to do when a reaction is recieved
* @private
* @async
* @param {Eris.Message} msg The message reacted on
* @param {Eris.Emoji} emoji The emoji used to react
* @param {String} userID The ID of the user who reacted
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _onReaction (msg, emoji, userID) {
const user = this.client.users.get(userID)
if ( return
return this.reactionHandler.handle(msg, emoji, user)
.then((res) => {
if (this._options.postEventFunctions.reaction) this._options.postEventFunctions.reaction(msg, emoji, user, res)
return res
.catch((err) => this._handleError(err, msg))
* What to do when a shard loses connection
* @private
* @param {Error} err The error
* @param {Eris.Shard} shard The disconnected shard
_onShardDisconnect (err, shard) {
console.log(`Shard ${shard} lost connection. Error:\n${err}`)
* What to do when a shard is ready
* @private
* @param {Number} shardID The ID of the shard that's ready
_onShardReady (shardID) {
const shard = this.client.shards.get(shardID)
console.log(`Connected as ${this.client.user.username} on shard ${shardID}`)
if (this._options.statusMessage) {
if (typeof this._options.statusMessage === 'function') this._options.statusMessage(shard.editStatus.bind(shard), this, shardID)
else {
name: this._options.statusMessage
} else {
name: `Prefix: '${this._handlerData.options.prefix}'`,
type: 2
* Prefix a token with the appropriate keyword designating a bot account if required
* @private
* @param {String} token The token
* @returns {String} The properly prefixed token
_prefixToken (token) {
if (!token.startsWith('Bot ')) token = 'Bot ' + token
return token
* Resets the help menu cache
resetHelpCache () {
this._helpCache = []
* Set a server's custom prefix
* @param {String} guild The ID of the guild
* @param {String} prefix The custom prefix
setGuildPrefix (guild, prefix) {
if (!this._guildData[guild]) this._guildData[guild] = {}
const oldPrefix = this._guildData[guild].prefix
this._guildData[guild].prefix = prefix
if (this._options.postEventFunctions.prefix) this._options.postEventFunctions.prefix(guild, prefix, oldPrefix)
if (this.commandHandler) this.commandHandler.setGuildPrefix(guild, prefix)
* Update the permission level of a guild role
* @param {String} guild The ID of the guild
* @param {String} role The role to modify
* @param {Number} level The permission level to set the role to
* @returns {Object} All current permissions of the guild
updatePermission (guild, role, level) {
if (!this.client.guilds.has(guild)) throw Error('An ID to a guild the bot isn\'t in was provided. ID: ' + guild)
if (!this.client.guilds.get(guild).roles.has(role)) throw Error('An ID to a role that doesn\'t exist was provided. ID: ' + role)
const parsedLevel = parseInt(level)
if (isNaN(parsedLevel)) throw Error(`'${level}' is not a valid level. A level must be a valid integer`)
if (this._guildData[guild] && this._guildData[guild].permissions) {
if (Object.entries(this._guildData[guild].permissions).find((p) => p[0] !== role && p[1] === parsedLevel)) console.log(`WARNING: Multiple roles in guild '${guild}' have been assigned level ${level}`)
} else {
this._guildData[guild] = {
permissions: {}
const oldLevel = this._guildData[guild].permissions[role]
this._guildData[guild].permissions = {
[role]: parsedLevel
if (this._options.postEventFunctions.permission) this._options.postEventFunctions.permission(guild, role, level, oldLevel)
return this._guildData[guild].permissions
module.exports = Agent
* @callback Middleware
* @param {Eris.Message} msg The message
* @param {Eris.Member} member The subject member of the guild
* @param {Command|ReactCommand} command The command
* @typedef {Object} GuildData
* @prop {Object} guildID The ID of the guild mapped to its data
* @prop {PermissionList} guildID.permissions The authority levels of roles in a guild
* @prop {String} guildID.prefix The custom server-side prefix for the guild
* A list of permissions for each role of a guild
* @typedef {Object} PermissionList
* @prop {Number} roleID The ID of the role mapped with its authority level
* The status for the bot. It's a callback function for each shard
* @callback StatusMessageFunction
* @param {Eris.Shard.editStatus} editStatus The setStatus function from the Eris client
* @param {Agent} agent The agent
* @param {Number} shard The Eris shard the status is being applied to
* A function that runs after every message whether it triggers a command or not
* @callback PostMessageFunction
* @param {Eris.Message} msg The message that triggered the command
* @param {CommandHandlerResults} results The results of the command
* A function that runs after every reaction whether it triggers a react command or not
* @callback PostReactionFunction
* @param {Eris.Message} msg The message reacted on
* @param {Object} emoji The data of the emoji reacted with
* @param {Eris.User} user The user who reacted
* @param {ReactionHandlerResults} results The results of the react command
* A function that runs after a permission is changed
* @callback PostPermissionFunction
* @param {String} guild The ID of the guild
* @param {String} role The ID of the role being altered
* @param {Number} level The new authority level of the role
* @param {Number} oldLevel The old authority level of the role
* A function that runs after a guild prefix is changed
* @callback PostPrefixFunction
* @param {String} guild The ID of the guild
* @param {String} prefix The new prefix
* @param {String} oldPrefix The old prefix of the guild
* An object returned by the agent's buildHelp method (Properties may vary based on what was supplied to the method)
* @typedef {Object} BuildHelpReturnObject
* @prop {Object|undefined} embed If embed data was supplied, the resulting help menu in a Discord embed format
* @prop {ReactInterface|undefined} reactInterface If embed data was supplied and the help menu is more than one page, a react interface to scroll the help menu
* @prop {String[]} pages The pages of the help menu. Only one is displayed in the embed and it's chosen by the page parameter (It's standard practice to build a new help menu for every command initiation)