
The main controlling agent of the bot

new Agent(data)

Create an Agent

Name Type Description
data Object

The agent data

Name Type Attributes Default Description
data.Eris Eris

The Eris class the system runs off of

data.token String

The token to log in to the Discord API with

data.handlerData Object <optional>

The commands and replacers the bot will respond to as well as options for their handlers

Name Type Attributes Default Description
commands Array<Command> | Command <optional>

The commands for the bot

reactCommands Array<ReactCommand> | ReactCommand <optional>

The commands that trigger on reactions

replacers Array<Replacer> | Replacer <optional>

The replacers for the bot

options Object <optional>

Options for the event handlers

Name Type Attributes Default Description
prefix String <optional>

The prefix to execute commands

replacerBraces Object <optional>

The braces that invoke a replacer

Name Type Attributes Default Description
open String <optional>

The opening brace

close String <optional>

The closing brace

maxInterfaces Number <optional>

The maximum amount of reaction interfaces cached before they start getting deleted

data.options Object <optional>

Options for the agent

Name Type Attributes Default Description
intents Array<String> <optional>
[] Additional intents to subscribe to for the gateway. (Intents are automatically calculated from agent features getting enabled. However, add additional intents if needed) (Eris supports snakeCase if CAMEL_CASE is not preferred)

guildOptions GuildData | Promise<GuildData> <optional>

Options for specific guilds (Usually initially loaded from a database)

statusMessage Object | StatusMessageFunction <optional>

The status for the bot. It can be an object containing the data, or a callback function for each shard. By default, it's the bot's prefix

fireOnEdit Boolean <optional>

Whether the command handler is called when a command is edited or not

fireOnReactionRemove Boolean <optional>

Whether the reaction handler is triggered on the removal of reactions as well

postEventFunctions Object <optional>

A collection of functions to run after an event is triggered

Name Type Attributes Description
message PostMessageFunction <optional>

A function that runs after every message whether it triggers a command or not

reaction PostReactionFunction <optional>

A function that runs after every reaction whether it triggers a react command or not

permission PostPermissionFunction <optional>

A function that runs after a permission is changed

prefix PostPrefixFunction <optional>

A function that runs after a guild prefix is changed

erisOptions Object <optional>

A passthrough for additional Eris options. (Does not override intents, supply additional intents to options.intents)


private _argTypeDescs : Object

Descriptions for argument types

private _assetURLs : Object

URLs to assets used internally

Name Type Description
help String

The help icon

private _Eris : Class

The Eris class

private _guildData : GuildData

Guild specific data

private _handlerData : Object

The commands and replacers the bot will respond to as well as options for their handlers

Name Type Description
commands Array<Command>

The commands for the command handler

reactCommands Array<ReactCommand>

The commands that trigger on reactions

replacers Array<Replacer>

The replacers for the command handler

options Object

The options for the handlers

Name Type Description
prefix String

The prefix to execute commands

replacerBraces Object

The braces that invoke a replacer

Name Type Description
open String

The opening brace

close String

The closing brace

maxInterfaces Number

The maximum amount of interfaces cached before they start getting deleted

private _helpCache : Array<String>

A cache for the buildHelp method

private _middleware : Array<Middleware>

Middleware to run during command processing

private _options : Object

The options for the agent

Name Type Description
statusMessage Object | StatusMessageFunction

The status for the bot. It can be an object containing the data, or a callback function for each shard. By default, it's the bot's prefix

fireOnEdit Boolean

Whether the command handler is called when a command is edited or not

fireOnReactionRemove Boolean

Whether the reaction handler triggers on the removal of reactions

postEventFunctions Object

A collection of functions to run after an event is triggered.

Name Type Description
message PostMessageFunction

A function that runs after every message whether it triggers a command or not

reaction PostReactionFunction

A function that runs after every reaction whether it triggers a react command or not

permission PostPermissionFunction

A function that runs after a permission is changed

prefix PostPrefixFunction

A function that runs after a guild prefix is changed

app : Object

The Discord app of the bot

attachments : Object

User-supplied data that is passed to commands

client : Eris.Client

The Eris client

commandHandler : CommandHandler

The command handler for the bot

reactionHandler : ReactionHandler

The reaction handler for the bot


async, private _awaitGuildOptions(guildOptions)

Wait for guild options to be asynchronous supplied

Name Type Description
guildOptions Promise<GuildData>

The promise returning the data

private _bindBaseEvents()

Bind actions to base events

private _bindHandlerEvents()

Bind actions to events that require handlers

private _checkPermissions(msg, member, command)

Check if a user has the sufficient permissions to use a command

Name Type Description
msg Eris.Message

The message

member Eris.Member

The subject member of the guild

command Command | ReactCommand

The command


private _compileInfo(items, header : opt) → {Array<String>}

Compile command info into a list

Name Type Attributes Description
items Array<Command> | Command | Array<Replacer> | Replacer | Array<ReactCommand> | ReactCommand

The items to compile

header String <optional>

The header of the content

Array<String> -

The resulting info pages

private _formatPrefixesForHandler(data) → {Object}

Format guild data for command handler prefixes

Name Type Description
data GuilData

The data

Object -

Returns an object where guild IDs are mapped to prefixes

private _getApp() → {Promise<Object>}

Get the bot's app data and store it in

Promise<Object> -

The app data

async, private _handleError(err, msg) → {Promise<(Message|void)>}

Send or log an error message if it's not an IgnoredError instance

Name Type Description
err Error

The error

msg Eris.Message

The original message from Discord


private _initHandlers()

Initiate the event handlers

private _onError(error)

What to do when an unknown error occurs

Name Type Description
error Error

The error

async, private _onMessage(msg) → {Promise<void>}

What to do when a message is recived

Name Type Description
msg Eris.Message

The recieved message


async, private _onReaction(msg, emoji, userID) → {Promise<void>}

What to do when a reaction is recieved

Name Type Description
msg Eris.Message

The message reacted on

emoji Eris.Emoji

The emoji used to react

userID String

The ID of the user who reacted


private _onShardDisconnect(err, shard)

What to do when a shard loses connection

Name Type Description
err Error

The error

shard Eris.Shard

The disconnected shard

private _onShardReady(shardID)

What to do when a shard is ready

Name Type Description
shardID Number

The ID of the shard that's ready

private _prefixToken(token) → {String}

Prefix a token with the appropriate keyword designating a bot account if required

Name Type Description
token String

The token

String -

The properly prefixed token

private _toArray(data) → {Array<*>}

Format data by turning existing single supply into arrays if necessary

Name Type Description
data * | Array<*>

The data

Array<*> -

The formatted data

attach(name, value) → {Object}

Add an attachment that is passed to commands

Name Type Description
name String

The name of the attachment

value *

The value of the attachment

Object -

All added attachments

generator buildCommandGuide(name)

Build a guide embed for a specific command (Does not work for replacers or react commands)

Name Type Description
name String

The name of the command

generator buildHelp(data : opt, page : opt)

Build a help menu and compile command info (Does not update with commands added after the agent has been constructed)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
data Object <optional>

The data for the menu

page Number <optional>

The page of the help menu to load

Name Type Attributes Default Description
data.desc String <optional>

The description of the bot

data.serverCode String <optional>

The invite code to the bot's server (Note: This is the code, not the link)

data.color Number <optional>

An integer color that changes the sidebar color of the embed

data.footerImage String <optional>

A link leading to an image for the footer (An image of the prefix recommended)

data.version String <optional>

The version of the bot

compileGuildSQL(dbData) → {GuildData}

Compile Knex-like guild data format to the Agent's native format

Name Type Description
dbData Array<Object>

The data from the database

GuildData -

A formatted guild data object

Name Type Attributes Default Description String

The ID of the guild

dbData.permissions PermissionList <optional>

The authority level of the roles of the guild

dbData.prefix String <optional>

The custom server-side prefix

connect() → {Promise<void>}

Connect to the Discord API and initiate event handlers.


detach(name) → {*}

Remove an attachment

Name Type Description
name String

The name of the attachment to remove

* -

The value of the removed attachment

getTopPermissionLevel(user) → {Number}

Get a guild member's top authority level role

Name Type Description
user Eris.Member

The member of the guild. (Do not provide an Eris User instance, it must be a Member)

Number -

The leading authority level

lastMessage(channel) → {Eris.Message}

Get the last message sent by the bot in a given channel

Name Type Description
channel Eris.Channel

The ID of the channel to pick your last message from

Eris.Message -

The last message


Resets the help menu cache

setGuildPrefix(guild, prefix)

Set a server's custom prefix

Name Type Description
guild String

The ID of the guild

prefix String

The custom prefix

updatePermission(guild, role, level) → {Object}

Update the permission level of a guild role

Name Type Description
guild String

The ID of the guild

role String

The role to modify

level Number

The permission level to set the role to

Object -

All current permissions of the guild