const Argument = require('../argument/')
* A class used for the awaiting of a criteria-matching message
class Await {
* Create an Await
* @class
* @param {Object} data The await data
* @prop {Object} [data.options={}] The options for the await
* @prop {Array<ArgData|String>} [data.options.args=[]] The arguments for the await (Can be an argument data object or just the name of the argument)
* @prop {CheckFunction} [data.options.check=() => true] The condition to be met for the await to trigger
* @prop {Number} [data.options.timeout=15000] How long until the await expires
* @prop {Boolean} [data.options.oneTime=false] Whether a non-triggering message cancels the await
* @prop {Boolean} [data.options.refreshOnUse=false] Whether the timeout for the await refreshes after a use
* @prop {CancelFunction} [data.options.onCancelFunction] A function to run once the await expires or is cancelled
* @prop {String} [data.options.user] The ID of the user to await the message from (By default, it's the user who triggered the command)
* @prop {String} [] The ID of the channel to await the message (By default, it's the channel the command was called in)
* @prop {Boolean} [data.options.shouldShift=false] Whether the command handler should shift out the first space-separated keyword for argument parsing or not
* @prop {Boolean} [data.options.requirePrefix=false] Whether the await requires the bot prefix to be triggered
* @prop {AwaitAction} data.action The await action
constructor ({ options = {}, action }) {
const {
args = [],
check = () => true,
timeout = 15000,
oneTime = false,
refreshOnUse = false,
shouldShift = false,
requirePrefix = false
} = options
* The options for the await
* @type {Object}
* @prop {Argument[]} args The arguments for the await
* @prop {CheckFunction} check The condition to be met for the await to trigger
* @prop {Number} timeout How long until the await expires
* @prop {Boolean} oneTime Whether a non-triggering message cancels the await
* @prop {Boolean} refreshOnUse Whether the timeout for the await refreshes after a use
* @prop {CancelFunction} onCancelFunction A function to run once the await expires or is cancelled
* @prop {String} user The ID of the user to await the message from (By default, it's the user who triggered the command)
* @prop {String} channel The channel to await the message (By default, it's the channel the command was called in)
* @prop {Boolean} shouldShift Whether the command handler should shift out the first space-separated keyword for argument parsing or not
* @prop {Boolean} requirePrefix Whether the await requires the bot prefix to be triggered
this.options = {
args: => new Argument(arg)),
* The await action
* @type {AwaitAction}
this.action = action
* Clear the await from its storage
* @returns {Await} The await that was cleared
clear () {
if (!this._timer) throw Error('You have not started the timer yet!')
if (this.options.onCancelFunction) this.options.onCancelFunction(this)
return this
* Refresh the delete timer for the await
* @returns {Await} The await
refresh () {
if (!this._timer) throw Error('You have not started the timer yet!')
* The delete timer for the await
* @private
* @type {Timeout}
this._timer = setTimeout(this.clear, this.options.timeout)
return this
* Start the delete timer for the await
* @param {Object} data Further await data
* @prop {String} The ID of the await in its parent map
* @prop {Map<String, Await>} data.awaitMap The map that the await is stored in
* @prop {Eris.Message} data.triggerResponse The response to the command that initiated the await
* @returns {Await} The await
startTimer ({ id, awaitMap, triggerResponse }) {
* The ID of the await.
* @private
* @type {String}
this._id = id
* The map that the await is stored in
* @private
* @type {Map<String, Await>}
this._awaitMap = awaitMap
* The response to the command that initiated the await
* @type {Eris.Message}
this.triggerResponse = triggerResponse
* The delete timer for the await
* @private
* @type {Timeout}
this._timer = setTimeout(() => this.clear(), this.options.timeout)
return this
module.exports = Await
* The condition to be met for the await to trigger
* @callback CheckFunction
* @param {Eris.Message} msg The message object, but if a prefix is required, the message content will not include the prefix
* @param {String} content The message content (processed by command handler (DO NOT USE `msg.content`))
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the message meets the await requirements
* The code that runs once an await is cancelled
* @callback CancelFunction
* @param {Await} wait The await
* The await action.
* @callback AwaitAction
* @param {AwaitData} data Data passed from the handler
* @returns {CommandResults[]|CommandResults|String[]|String} Data to respond with
* The object passed to a command action
* @typedef {Object} AwaitData
* @prop {Agent} AwaitData.agent The agent managing the bot
* @prop {Eris.Client} AwaitData.client The Eris client
* @prop {Map<String, Command>} AwaitData.commands The list of bot commands
* @prop {Map<String, Replacer>} AwaitData.replacers The list of bot replacers
* @prop {Eris.Message} AwaitData.msg The message sent by the user
* @prop {String[]} AwaitData.args The arguments supplied by the user
* @prop {Object} AwaitData.attachments User-supplied data that is passed to commands
* @prop {Eris.Message} AwaitData.triggerResponse The bot's response to the message that initiated the await